Board-See the console.
Bump-With 0 seconds to change the value of a parameter. Usually assigned to the control on the stage of an instant button.
Bump -A button on the lighting console that can generate an action while pressing and releasing. Also known as point control key.
Chase -A set of circular CUE or step.
CMY -Color mixing method based on adjusting filter specified wavelength.
Console -Independently developed input control device for programming light.
Conventional Ligh -One is not an automation of lamps and lanterns, usually need to control with silicon.
Crossfade -A timing value assighed to a luminaire parameter for controlling a change from a DMX value to a DMX value time
CTB, Color Temperature Blue -Color film capable of lifting lamp color temperature output close to 7000K
CTO, Color Temperature Orange -Color film capable of reducing lamp color temperature output close to 3200K. Cue-lighting console is used as the basic placeholder for all programming data. Often referred to as step,look or clip.
Cuelist -A series of CUE for playback in a specified order. Also known as sequence
Desk-See console
DHCP, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol -Computer network protocol capable of automatically assigning IP address.
Digital Light -A remote control lamp, which uses a non mechanical (usually video output) method to create and change the output of the lamp
Dimmer -Device for controlling brightness of incandescent lamp.
DMX, Digital Multiplexing -A programming protocol for lighting products. This protocol consists of 512 channels, each channel has a value of 256. Typically, a single channel is used to control a function of an automatic lamp.
DMX Address - Initial DMX channel for a luminaire or dimmer.
DMX Universe -A DMX domain consists of 512 control channels. Often referred to as a world or output.
Effects -A light console or lamp is used to create the mathematical operation of preset tracking.
Ethernet -Computer network method for transmitting data between devices. DMX is often converted into an Ethernet transmission protocol for data distribution.
Fader -A device capable of manually crossing the gradient parameter on the light control console
Fixture -Lighting equipment
Fixture Number -It is convenient for the lighting programmer to access the number of a particular lamp during the programming period, which is usually different from the DMX address of the luminaire.
Flyout -The movement of programming automation lamps that moves vertically from one position to another. For example, a typical FLYOUT CUE is a light beam from the stage to the audience.
FOH(Front of House )-The area of the lighting and sound control console is called FOH because it is usually located in the audience.
Gobo -A piece of metal or glass that rotates between a lamp bulb and a lens system. Patterns are used to project images and graphics.
Grand Master -A push rod which can control the brightness of the total output of the console. This master push bar is preferred to all other brightness functions on this console.
Group -A storage array of lamps in a console. Using groups to select lamps can greatly improve your programming speed.
GUI(Graphical User Interface )-An input method that allows a user to input data in addition to keys.
Hard Edge Light -A lamp which can be used for beam shaping on an image. This type of lamp is mainly used for image and graphics projection .
HTP(Highest Takes Precedence )-The console function of controlling the lamp parameters with the highest output value and without considering the change time.
Inhibitive Master -Similar to the main control push rod, but can only be used in a series of specified lamps
LD-Lighting Designer
Look -Similar to CUE。
LTP(Latest Takes Precedence )-A console function that takes the value of the lamp parameter value to change the priority output and does not consider the change.
Media Server -DMX control computer system for replaying and processing video and still picture.
MIDI(Musical Instrument Device Interface )-A protocol commonly used to trigger a console or other device.
Node -An electronic device attached to a network that can transmit or receive information on the network.
Operator -The person who is responsible for the CUE playback on the light control console
Page -A term used to describe a series of CUE lists arranged in an organized manner. Multiple pages are often used to allow a large number of playback on a console.
Palette -A reference to the specified value of lamp parameters. The material can be recorded in CUE instead of the actual parameter values. It is also known as a preset in some console
Parameter -The function of a luminaire is referred to as a parameter.
Patch -Information related to lamp number to lamp and dimmer DMX address in this console.
Playback -The function of storing the information from the console
Plot -Lamps and lanterns and they placed the location of the diagram. It also includes information related to the DMX address of the luminaire. Also known as a plan or drawing.
Preset -Depending on the console type, the word has a different purpose. See also Cue and Palette.
Programmers -The most lovely people on earth!
Programmer -A screen or window that displays the current editing information on the console.
Rate -A track or effect speed.
RDM(Remote Device Management )-An extension of the DMX protocol, which can be configured for feedback data and lamp parameters.
RGB(Red Green Blue)-Color mixing method based on adding specified wavelength light.
Rig -The entire lighting system, including lifting points, trusses, lamps and console.
Sequence -An organized list of CUE or steps.
Show Control -Used to send commands or send commands to an external trigger from a console.
SMPTE(The Society of Motion Picture andTelevision Engineers )-A professional group that sets and defines technical standards. It has a time code format in this book.
Timecode -Timing information embedded into audio or video tracks.
Timing -The value of the cross gradient applied to the lamp parameters.
Tracking -A console function that records only the changed values to CUE. A value will remain constant until it is changed by another CUE or console function.
UPS(Uninterruptible Power Supply )-Electronic device capable of providing emergency power supply when main power supply failure occurs.
Visualizer -A software platform for the simulation of the real world lighting state using the same light console.
Wash -A design of a stage or plane with a color or pattern that completely covers the area or scene. From the phrase "bathed in light " .
Wash Light -Lamp without pattern or picture slice. This kind of lamp is mainly used for color rendering to the stage or the stage.